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More Review Love for the ModMic Wireless!

Influencers around the world discover and share the ModMic with their fans. We're taking a trip back over the last several months to pick some favorites! 

JayzTwoCents calls for the ModMic Wireless to "Be the new industry standard" for wireless mics!" 


Soldier Knows Best says, "[other] headset microphones don't compare to this ModMic Wireless."


And to highlight an up and coming channel:

Eagle Garrett was impressed not only with how it sounds but how easy it was to setup in his monster 20 minute long review. 

Big thank you for everyone who covers our content, including those we have not yet featured.

Did you know, as of publication there are now over 600 reviews of the ModMic line! Can you believe it!?

Have any questions, want to see more reviews? Drop by our Discord and ask! 

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