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We've partnered with some of our favorite headphone manufacturers to bring you a range of high quality options.

Audio Technica m50x Black
ATH-M50x are some of Audio Technica’s most popular closed back reference headphones for deep lows and balanced mids for gaming.

Audio Technica M70x
The next step up from the M50x, the M70x provides improved materials, better case, and a crisp, natural sound for those after audio purity.

Audio Technica R70x
These high end open back reference headphones are perfect for mixing as well as gaming with clear low, mid, and highs. Light, comfortable, perfect for long wear.

Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro 80 ohm
The closed back DT 770 80ohm delivers a signature "V" shaped sound with superb noise isolation and cinematic bass and treble while The plush velour pads ensure long term comfort.

Beyerdynamic DT 990 Pro 250 ohm
The open back DT 990 250ohm delivers a signature "V" shaped sound with a wide sound stage perfect for precision games and music. They're widely considered the most comfortable headphones on the market.

Superlux HD668B
The bigger brother of the HD681, the 668 improves the sound quality with a deeper mid-bass and sharp treble for pinpointing bullet zings. A great entry level headphone!

Superlux HD681
The best value headphones for gamers on a tight budget. The 681 is an excellent choice for gaming thanks to its semi-open design.