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Two New Intl. Partnerships & New Video

Modmic Worldwide Part 1

We're very happy to announce that the Modmic 4.0 is available for sale from a local store in Australia and the UK.

Our friends over at LimeUK have been helping us along this process, are users of the Modmic itself (and gamers as well). We are proud to have Modmics available order through them for our customers and fans in the United Kingdom/EU. Their shipping options will provide much faster & smoother access to our products for everyone in Europe. Make sure to be in the first batch of orders by getting your order in today:

Similarly, the fine folks down at PC Case Gear are ready to provide our Australian users with a much improved local fulfillment experience. One of the top choices in Australia for computer and hardware enthusiasts, look to get your Modmic solutions from them if you are lucky enough to live down under. They should already have Modmic 4.0s in stock for you right now :)


New Video! RIP 1.0 video

Many of our first supporters from the 1.0 Modmic days probably had a sense of deja-vu when they watched the product video on our homepage. As of this week, we have replaced that old video with the help of Dan Pred of Video Media, also of Portland, OR. Much of the same script, but with much better production quality and music :D. This video features our current Modmic 4.0 and a rare (poorly-shaven) Jimmy sighting!

You may have already seen the new video on our homepage, if not be sure to check it out -


That's all for now, more announcements coming in early Fall


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