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A New Antlion Look!

Revamping the colors of a company is a big deal, not something you do often. The original colors were basically black, white, and this kind of weird dark teal. This evolved to be a more pleasant green and gold accent in 2016 when we launched the ModMic 5, but the core of the color scheme was still black with white text.

But this is a whole new decade, and we're decided to lighten up a little... or a lot. Our new colors include using light backgrounds as a core with more human images and signature colors for our lines. In this case, a nice dark blue for ModMics, orange for headphones, and a neutral grey for accessories. Those of you taking the time to actually read this may notice I said "lines" - because in 2020 we're going to be launching our first "Not a ModMic" product. Stay tuned ;).

So here's a trip down memory lane from 2014 to today for our website and colors. I think we've come a long way! 

2014: The ModMic 4 Launches


2016: ModMic 5 Launch


2020: ModMic USB, Uni, & Wireless

(We're still working on getting some images re-shot on white / transparent backgrounds!)

So there it is. 6 years of websites, each we believe is a step forward in both form and function. 

What do you think of the new site? Find any problems? Got some ideas on how to improve it further? Drop by our discord and tag @staff with your opinions!

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