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ModMic Prices are Increasing

This is a pretty un-fun announcement to make, but please take a moment to read and understand the situation if you are interested.

This is the first time Antlion Audio has raised prices on existing products in our company history. Here's the timeline that has lead to this unfortunate day.

March, 2018: The US began tariffing products from China, including the ModMic. Without diving into the details, this added roughly 7.5% to our manufacturing costs.

From 2018 through today Inflation has added nearly 14% to cost of goods, with half of that increase coming in 2021.

In early November, our supplier for the chips for both the ModMic Wireless and ModMic USB informed us that prices would be more than doubling on certain components.

Until November we had not planned on increasing prices in any way, but there is simply no way for us to continue operations when component prices increase 150%+. Below is the new MSRP pricing, incl. VAT or GST where applicable:

Microphone USD EUR GBP CAN
ModMic Uni $54.95 €59 £54.95 $79.95
ModMic USB $84.95 89 £84.95 $119.95
ModMic Wireless $139.95 149 £139.95 $189.95


Other locations not listed here will see similar price increases. While we hope this increase is temporary, we don’t see any immediate end in sight. Even if supply lines return to normal, we expect prices of the chips to remain elevated, likely permanently, though we hope not to the degree we’re currently seeing.

We are actively looking into alternative chips, technology, and methodology to bring prices back down, but these activities also take time. We will NOT sacrifice audio quality to save a few dollars, and we hope you don’t either, but we completely understand if these prices push the ModMic out of budget for some people, so believe us when we say we’re working very hard to find solutions as quickly as possible.

It is our desire to deliver the best possible audio quality at an affordable price and to be open with our customers. Please feel free to join our Discord at if you have any questions, concerns, complaints, or praise. Just tag @staff and one of our crew will reply. You can also drop us an email to


Eli Wisnievitz, CEO

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