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Antlion Audio Online Scavenger Hunt & Puzzle!

Welcome everyone!

We're trying something new here as a fun community event. Please head over to our Discord for hints (A new hint every day!), questions about the rules and such, but most important:

  • Don't cheat!
  • Don't give people answers!
  • Don't try to enter to win multiple times (We'll know and disqualify you)!
  • Contest Ends Aug 26, 2022.

Here are the rules: Answer the questions below, follow the directions, and solve the puzzles you are presented with. Each time you'll find an answer to input which will lead you to the next puzzle. The final answer will give you a link to a form to enter your email as a "winner."

We'll randomly select from that list of winners one person to receive a Renewed ModMic Wireless!

That's all there is to it, .period.


Here's your first puzzle:
Say it, don't spray it, "You're up!"



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